Christians across the centuries have written about prayer. Consider these six simple – yet profound – definitions of prayer:
Prayer is a silent surrendering of everything to God.
– Soren Kierkegaard
Prayer is first of all listening to God.
– Henri Nouwen
Prayer is keeping company with God.
– Clement of Alexandria
Prayer is my declaration of dependence on God.
– John Maxwell
Prayer is the answer to every problem there is.
– Oswald Chambers
Prayer is the supreme way to be workers together with God.
– Wesley Duewel
Spend some time thinking about what prayer is to you and in your life:
** How do you define prayer? Why do you define it that way?
** How does the way you define prayer affect how you pray?
** In light of the quotes above, do you need to re-think how you look at prayer? Do you need to re-think how you pray?
Put your thoughts into practice ... and pray!