In this moment
when we cannot “have church”
will we be the Church?
In this moment
when we cannot greet each other face to face
will we meet each other heart to heart?
In this moment
when we cannot sit together for an hour on Sunday morning
will we fellowship together each day of the week?
In this moment
when we cannot hear announcements about happenings
will we reach out to discover what is happening?
In this moment
when we cannot be led in songs of worship
will we sing each day in our hearts to the Lord?
In this moment
when we cannot go to hear someone speak about the Word
will we come to the Word and hear what He speaks?
In this moment
when we cannot put a check in the basket
will we give generously to the Body?
In this moment
when we cannot assume that the lost will somehow find us
will we go out and find them?
In this moment
when we cannot bow our heads while someone else prays
will we get on our knees and pray for someone else?
In this moment
when we cannot hear about needs that must be met
will we seek out needs and meet them?
In this moment
when we cannot sit passively in a seat
will we live actively in the Spirit?
In this moment
when we cannot “have church”
will we be the Church?