“For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.” (II Corinthians 4:17)
Perspective is everything. It determines how we think, how we react, and how we endure. But perspective is not what you see; it’s how you look at things. Think of it this way: a mountain climber has two ways of looking at the steep climb ahead of him. He can see only the sheer rock wall, and feel fear, fatigue, and discouragement. Or, he can see beyond the face of the cliff to the summit above, to the victory of the climb, to the exultation of standing at the top of the world.
So it is with us. We can narrow our perspective to the pain and suffering around us and throw up our hands and reject all the promises of God as illusory myths. We can allow the trials of this life to drag us down into despair and rebellion. Or, we can broaden our perspective by taking hold of the truth of God’s Word. We can acknowledge the pain and the suffering, but look beyond them. We can trust that God is indeed at work in all things for our good. We can lay hold of the prize for which he has called us. We can affirm to a dying world that the Author of Life holds grace and joy and eternity outstretched in his loving hand.