Keep me, O Lord, from the hands of the wicked ... (Psalm 140:4)
Very briefly, let us set the stage of life. You, as a servant of God, are in a battle. Wicked people, as well as the whole array of the forces of hell, are aligned against you. That is a simple fact.
Left up to my own devices, I would throw in the towel. Run up the white flag. Lay down and give up on the spot.
But we are not left up to our own devices. On this battleground of life, we have a magnificent weapon: a simple prayer uttered in two words – “Keep me.”
Keep me. Lord, I know you are able. You are the Strength that created the universe; the Sustainer of life; our Champion, our Rock, our Salvation. Lord, I know you are able. Please keep me.
Keep me. Lord, I know you are willing. You are the One who loves us with an everlasting love; the One who carves us in the palms of your hand. You died for me, rose for me, live for me. Lord, I know you are willing. Please keep me.
Keep me. Lord, I know you are ready. You are the One who bids us call, and you will answer. To cry out, and you will save. To speak our need, and you will satisfy. Lord, I know you are ready. Please keep me.