“Why that rushing around? Don’t tell me it’s activity: It’s confusion!” – Jose Escriva
Our calendars, computers, and smartphones are bursting with meetings, tasks, jobs, programs, events … every minute is scheduled; every hour is full.
Perhaps it’s time to schedule in a few hours to do some serious evaluation:
How much of my schedule is about my BUSYNESS, and how much is about God’s BUSINESS?
How much stress am I experiencing on a daily basis? What is the source of that stress?
Do I make time for a Sabbath rest each week? Or do I keep on going 24/7?
Do I spend quality time with my family? That is, unrushed, uncluttered time when I am not multi-tasking?
How much time do I have for cultivating deep friendships?
Do I have the freedom for spontaneity in my schedule?
Do I have time for personal creativity and recreation?
How am I engaged in using my spiritual gifts to further God’s kingdom?
Am I focused on what is urgent, or on what is important?
Do I have trouble being still and silent because my thoughts are always whirling to the next thing on my list?
After careful reflection, ask yourself the following: Do I need to make changes in my life? If so, what are they and how will I go about making them?