“God and daring! Daring is not imprudence. Daring is not recklessness.” Jose Escriva
Too many people view Christianity as a milksop … nice people meeting in a nice building doing nice things. The words “adventure,” “excitement,” and “risk” don’t come to mind when thinking about Christianity.
Strange, when you read through Hebrews 11 of the great heroes of the faith, “men of whom the world was not worthy” (Hebrews 11:38), who believed great things, achieved great things, and suffered great things.
Strange, when you consider Jesus’ confrontations with authority, Peter’s miracles, and Paul’s impressive litany in II Corinthians 11 which included beatings, stonings, and shipwrecks.
Strange, when you remember Gladys Aylward who led 100 children through war-torn China to safety, Bruce Olsen who – at 19 – walked into the South American jungle to evangelize a Stone Age tribe, and Dave Wilkerson who set the gangs of New York on fire for Jesus.
God and daring do go together! We serve a mighty God who is both our great Deliverer and our conquering King: he dared much to save us … let us dare much to serve him!
Would you describe your faith as daring? If not, what holds you back from taking risks for God?
What issue burns in your heart? Social justice? The growth of the Church? The salvation of the lost?
What new action can you take to make an impact on the issue that you are most intensely concerned about?