The question is not . . .
Do you bow your head before you eat?
but rather,
Do you bow your knees before your Father?
The question is not . . .
Do you curse when you’re mad?
but rather,
Do you bless when you’re angry?
The question is not . . .
How many times did you go to confession last year?
but rather,
Have you confessed your sin today?
The question is not . . .
Do you go to church on Sunday?
but rather,
Are you the church every day?
The question is not . . .
Do you read your Bible?
but rather,
Do you obey God’s Word?
The question is not . . .
Did you take communion this month?
but rather,
Do you have communion with Jesus?
The question is not . . .
What did you do for Christ last year?
but rather,
What are you doing for him today?
The question is not . . .
What we do not do.
but rather,
All that we do.
The question is not . . .
How little we can get by with.
but rather,
How much we can sacrifice.
The answer is not . . .
Whenever it is convenient, and whatever is easy.
but rather,
All that I have, all that I am, every day of my life, with every ounce of my strength.
For we must live for God –
And God alone.